Birthdays in Belgium

Birth patterns are less random than one would think. I explored daily birth data and discuss the impact of weekdays and months.

July 17, 2022


May 12, 2023

Based on this article, I made an update for the heatmap which is shared here

Statbel, the Belgian statistical office, recently published an update of open data on birthdays in Belgium. I took the time to explore the data a bit. It reminded me of this neat dashboard I drew some inspiration from.

Compared to the US birthdays, the Belgian data is more granular and provides more opportunities to retrieve some insights in birth patterns. It is surprising how giving birth is less random than would one would initially assume.

Most importantly, I observed:

Have a look at the storyboard I created below. I start with how the time series data look like and explore some insights with more adequate visualizations.


Also available here in full screen.